Hi Everyone:
First off I wish to send my deepest condolences to any fuzzies that have
passed and I missed posting to.  Also, to any sick fuzzies I wish them
well and a speedy recovery.
Maxi is my favorite because he was our first and he taught me how loving
and caring ferrets can be.  He showed me what wonderful pets ferrets are
because up until we got Maxi I never really wanted ferrets.  Now I can't
imagine my life without them.
Maxine is my favorite because she fit in the palm of my hand when we got
her, she was only 2 months old.  She was so tiny and precious I fell in
love with her instantly.  Also, she is special to me because she is deaf,
loves to give kisses and cuddle.  I feel so sad sometimes that she cannot
hear me tell her how much I love her.
Booger is my favorite because I took her from my girlfriend when she
could no longer care for her.  She is the oldest of our business but the
smallest.  She loves to cuddle and give lots of kisses.
Buddy is my favorite because we were asked to take him by the owner's
because they no longer wanted to be bothered with him.  He is our MR.
TROUBLE gets into everything but we don't care we love him to pieces.  He
is the youngest out of our business and loves to play more than the
Like I said I love them all so very much and they all have a special place
in my heart and always will even when their time comes to go to Rainbow
Bridge.  In which case I hope will still be a long time away.
[Posted in FML issue 3573]