Ok ok.....I have to get my kids in here :-).
Michael and Gabriel are our very first ferrets and my husband wanted to
name them after the Archangels so that is what we did.  Far from angels
are they...hee hee...
Both our guys are Sable.  Michael is a little bigger and a little darker
and I think my husband's favorite because he is a little wild man.  We
call him Taz for short.  Fits because my husband loves Taz.  Michael is
the most active teaching his brother all the tricks of play.  He shows
us what he wants to do.  If we have something we want to teach him he is
like no I will show you.  He knows how far he can try and push us.  He is
quick but oh so loveable.
Gabriel is the smaller of the two and is a little sweetheart but boy can
he be a little bugger too.  Unlike his brother who loves playing and
fighting with the towel he likes mom's toes and her socks.  He is so
precious and I think I fell in love with him first because he was so darn
tiny.  He is growning and acting crazy like his brother now.
I don't think I have a favorite out of any of my kids.  Ok that is a lie.
My oldest cat Chelsey is my baby and always will be even when she is no
longer here with us.  They all have such wonderful personalities.  How can
we pick a favorite because they all give us so much love it would be hard
to pick.  You know you are owned by a cat &/or ferret when you start to
keep logs in case anything would happen to you for the new mommy and daddy
so they know their likes, dislikes, games, etc.  I know it is something we
don't want to think about but what if something were to happen to us???
do we know who would care for our kids???  something to think about and
make a list of what they like, don't like, food they eat, litter you use,
names, etc.  You see we adopted our 1 1/2 yo male about 2 mo ago, he was
left on a stoop of the adoption center with no name or anything.  He was
in a carrier overnight.  Can you imagine being in this life for that long
and given a new name, a new home, new food, new parents and wonder what
the heck is going on?  It helps the animal to adjust if the person
adopting them knows a little about their prior lives.  Sorry I got off
the subject here but it is food for thought.
Love & angel ferret-kitty hugs
[Posted in FML issue 3573]