"Maggie and Sunny"
Maggie and Sunny were ferrets
Oh Lordy, they were in love
they shared their raisins together
and dooked 'neath the stars above
Sunny was her hob, but he was doin' her wrong.
Little Maggie went down to the barroom
she asked for a raisin treat.
She said "Hey bartender
has Sunny been down this street?"
"He's my hob, but he done me wrong."
The bartender said "Now Maggie
I know this won't be a thrill,
Sunny left a few minutes ago
with a dark eyed sable, jill."
"He's your hob, but he's doing you wrong."
Maggie was a pure white jill
with ruby eyes, that would flash.
She was true to Sunny
but he left her, and stole her stash.
She loved her hob, but he done her wrong.
Maggie went down Broadway,
with a razor in her mitt.
She said "Stand back everybody,
every hob, jill, and kit.
Yes he's my hob, but he's done me wrong."
Well people that's the story
I don't want to sound too glib,
but Maggie found her Sunny
and now that hob is a gib.
She loved that hob, but he done her wrong.
Bob Adkins
[Posted in FML issue 3558]