My husband recently brought home 3 feral kittens.  We are going to keep
one of them.  I tried to introduce the kitten we are keeping to Jenna, one
of our ferrets.  She immediately went after the kitten and bit him in the
face.  I scruffed her, told her "no!" and gave her a 5 minute time-out.
About a 1/2 hour later, I tried introducing Amber, our other ferret, to
the kitten.  She did the same thing Jenna did.  The kitten hadn't been
threatening to them in any way.  He didn't growl or hiss, but he got bit
anyways.  The girls don't act this way with our 2 adult cats at all.  Is
it because the kitten is small?  (approx.  7 weeks old according to the
vet).  Is there an easier way to introduce them?  My husband held the
kitten while I held the ferrets (one at a time), but the ferrets lunged
after the kitten anyways.  Will they get over this when he gets bigger?
He is timid enough as it is being a wild kitten.  I don't want him getting
attacked by the ferrets.
Any suggestions will be welcome.
Kelly W.
[Posted in FML issue 3572]