I wanted to join the favorite ferret discussion,
Suzie is my favorite ferret because she's Daddy's little girl - the
tiniest and the prettiest.  She's cute, but is the one in charge.  Sadie
Mae is my favorite ferret because she's so smart and persistant.  She
wants to climb to the highest point in any room, and she'll do anything
to achieve that goal.
Sammy is my favorite ferret because he got a bad start in life, he was
very sick when we got him from the pet store and he needed hand fed and
medication, and learned how to cuddle in the process.  Now he's the
biggest and strongest weasel at our house.  He's not the sharpest knife
in the drawer, but he is full of love.
Also, while watching a baby last weekend, we discovered a new product for
human babies - it's called Mustela skin care - www.mustela.com - the only
problem is that it doesn't have a 'corn-chippy' ferret smell - it just
smells like soap.
Adam, Lori, Suzie, Sammy, Sadie Mae, and Al the hamster.
[Posted in FML issue 3572]