Clear DayHey Hey Hey!!
My favorite ferret is Jubilee, my tiny little warrior queen.  She is my
first, the smallest of my business and gave my Scruff You Gang their name!
She also runs to the door when her leash comes out and sleeps with mommie
every nite.
My favorite is Rinkydink because she is so loving.  Rinkydink has had a
very hard time fighting a nasty disease that makes her allergic to food.
Because of that she is a momma's girl and will spend hours on my lap.
My favorite is Big Fun, a round rolly polly fellow who makes the ground go
thump thump thump when he runs and plays.  He is my favorite because he is
so mellow and happy.
My Favorite is Noble who is the old man of the business.  He has multiple
problems but he does not care as he gives multiple kisses after breakfast
and supper every day.  He trots along with a light in his eyes and a lilt
in his step.
My favorite is Blaze cause he is a rowdy little youngster.  If one of
them is in trouble you can bet it is Blaze, he plays harder, longer and
rougher.  He climbs higher and runs faster.  He just does everything more.
My favorite is Luna Moon.  A wonderful solid little girl who is the
calmest ferret I have ever met.  She loves a good cuddle and will lay
right down with you in pure contentment.  She also does a wonderful
ambush when she wants to play.
My favorite is Pepsi.  My Pepsi loves toys, any kind of toys.  Toys were
made only for him and if he was a rich human he would buy up all the toys
r us stores..
My favorite is Sassafrass.  She is a dainty little hooded sable who has
dancing little merry legs.  She tippytoes into any adventure that presents
itself and can still hold her own with Blaze.
My favorite is Navidad.  My skittish chocolate boy that is the only one
stout enough to be Blaze's full time buddy.  He is mostly quiet but he can
rock and roll with the best of them.  I have never seen a faster ferret.
Karen and the Scruff You Gang
Secretary Dook-N-Dance Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3572]