Oh my gosh I had the worst dream last night, and I still cant shake it.
In the dream, a ferret had gotten out her cage as I was trying to put one
back, and ran out the door, and into the mouth of a dog.  I was frantic.
I ran to the dog and started to hit him to get him to let go, he didnt,
and right before I woke up, this little baby gave me this look like,
Please help me.  I woke up screaming and crying.  Checked all of my
babies, and all were fine, and sleeping.
I definately never take those kinds of chances and I hope you know how
special these babies are and just how fragile their lives are.  I will
never forget this dream, as it was my first.  I woke up all my babies an
hugged and kissed them all.  Please hug them as their lives are way to
Thanks for me letting me vent this dream/horror story here.
Julie Barnhill
[Posted in FML issue 3558]