This summer there was a joke around the shelter that every ferret needing
a home in Las Vegas must see my ads on TV and know the phone number.  They
give it to their owners when they decide to give them up.  Thats how we
got so over crouded!
Well yesterday really made me think about that.  Only this time its
weirder!  I got a call on Sunday from a man that was at a gas station.
He pulled in to see a man chasing a ferret around under his car.  He went
over to help thinking it was the mans ferret.  The man from Cali explained
he just drove in and this was the first time he had stopped.  He said the
ferret dropped out from under his car.  Only he didn't say ferret he said
thing, he didn't know what it was.
The Las Vegas man caught the ferret and gave him back to the Cali man
thinking he would do something with the ferret.  When he did the man put
the ferret in a cooler and started shaking it around!  The L.V. Man got
upset and said give me the ferret, I know where to take it!
As you know it was here!
The ferret is a large neutered male, sable with a blaze and a few other
markings.  Sems to be well kept.  He was covered in grease and motor dirt
but otherwise ok.  He is very scared but very sweet.  Maybe he wanted to
come live with the crazy ferret lady in Las Vegas but his parents said no,
so he ran away and stowed away in the car engine.
Its a miracle he made it here in one peice.  I have named hm Stowaway,
Stowie for short.
If anyone knows anything about this ferret let me know.  He is safe and
will visit the vet today.
Just when you think you've seen it all.....
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
Las Vegas, Nv.
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
[Posted in FML issue 3572]