Well, I just couldn't resist joining in to the "my favorite ferret" post:
Othella is my favorite because we bought her first and she was just a
little runt in the pet store.  She was almost all black and now she
fluxuates from black sable to regular sable throughout the year.  She
stares down the cats like a rattlesnake and wins.  She can jump high
buildings in a single bound and still make it to my lap to cuddle on and
fall asleep.  She is so tiny and flexable she can be made to dance and
sing to "I will Survive".  But most of all she is my favorite because she
is a lover not a fighter.
Liam is my favorite because he was bought from a neglective pet store.
Three days later after adopting him the petstore owner walked out and
left the animals abandoned for a week till SPCA came in.  He is very
quiet and inquisitive as if an intellectual poet gaining inspiration.  He
is sometimes stubborn about scratching at the door trying to change the
inevitable of it not opening for him.  Liam is my favorite because he
loves to run up to me out of the blue and get picked up to give me kisses.
Willow is my favorite because she is so special.  She was abused by her
first owner but now is my baby where she is pampered and kissed all over.
She has a gorgeous coat that is long and fluffy and soft.  She knows she
is beautiful although many other concepts she has to be retrained to
remember.  Willow loves to nip and lick my feet after I step out of the
bath.  Willow is my favorite because she loves to lay on her back and roll
from side to side with a big grin on her face that states "I am woman,
hear me roar!"
Garcia is my favorite although he isn't mine anymore.  He loves his baths
and towel dries.  He then loved his brush on my lap and trying to steal
the brush and hide it afterwards.  Garcia was always ready to play and now
is always playing in his new home where he has many new friends that get
along with him better.  Garcia is my favorite because he can adapt to
anything and anywhere.  He is a strong and big boy like a grizzley bear.
Whose ferret is next? :)
we have begun redoing our new web site at:
[Posted in FML issue 3571]