I know Lori touched on this a bit but now that I'm back online I would
like to tell you the story of the animal collector in Las Vegas.
i had a message waiting for me at home on Oct 5th, a Friday.  A woman said
her neighbor was in jail for animal neglect and she wanted me to come get
the ferrets from her mobile home.  The woman told me that there were other
animals in the home also, and to be prepared for a very nasty situation.
Well i went over there with my son and another friend of mine Brenda S.,
she takes care of all the critical ill ferrets.  We walked into the home
and the smell was beyond words.  We waded through about a foot deep of
trash.  There were cages, tanks everywhere.  I found the ferret cage and
we loaded the ferrets into carriers.  All seemed well fed but living in
filth.  One sable ferret has adrenal, one with rat tail.  all beautiful
ferrets, one each of sable, albino, DEW, champagne, and a silver panda.
The neighbor said there were 8 ferrets at one time but she didn't know
what happened to the others, we only found 5.
As I looked around at the animals, my friend Brenda saw the look on my
face and said, We aren't leaving anyone here are we?  My expression told
the answer.  she started loading up my SUv with tanks, carriers, cages.
i had to go back the next day for the rest.
A cat rescue came and took the cats, the security guard took the dogs, I
took the rest.
Heres what we pulled out of the mess:
30 taranchulas, 4 snakes, 1 fish, 6 Degus, 2 gerbils, a bunny, a
chinchilla, 3 chickens, 2 turtles, 2 tortouses, 2 cockateals, 2 lovebirds,
6 parakeets, a finch,a white dove, a leopard gecko, and the 5 ferrets.
All the critters have been placed except for the birds and the ferrets.
The ferrets will go to se Dr. kolmstetter on Monday for exams and Rabies
vax.  If theyt get a clean bill of health they will be at the Luv A Pet
adoptions next week.  The only one that I know won't be there is the
beautiful dark sable with adrenal.  All there ferrets are so sweet and
playful.  They range from 10 months to 4 yrs old.  Please contact me if
you would consider adopting these ferrets, they need to know what its
like to be in a loving, clean home forever.
I can't imagine them living like that, I found out a few spiders and a
snake were loose in that mess, they finally caught the snake, a big one
from what they told me.
I still wonder what happened to the other 3 ferrets.This woman is going
to court and her mother is bringing her to live with her in California.
I hope she does not start collecting again.
Take care,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue and Shelter
Las Vegas, Nv.
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
[Posted in FML issue 3571]