>From:    Robert Hartley <[log in to unmask]>
>I noticed in both of my fuzzys that there are little blackish brown spots
>inside there ear.  I only noticed this because they were asleep at the
>time and that is the only time there still enough to get a peek inside
>there ears.  I'm afraid i missed this earlier because i was watching
>for the ear/head scratching i'd been warned about, and as they werent
>scratching at their ears i assumed they were alright.
>So is this earmites?  and if so what can i do about it.  Are pet products
>for this thing in cats and dogs ok for this, coz there is nothing in the
>way of a ferret specialised store near me.
It's really hard to tell if an animal has ear mites or not without a
microscope.  If they aren't scratching at their ears, they probably don't
have them.  The best thing is to have your vet do a swab and microscopic
examination.  Then if they do have them, he can give a shot of ivermectin
to kill them.
Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde
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URA Redneck if there has been crime-scene tape on your bathroom door.
[Posted in FML issue 3571]