>So im posting to ask if anyone has any good ideas to help with nail
>clipping time (btw i live in australia where there are no products like
The ferretone trick never worked for us (2 of our 3 don't like and won't
touch ferretone).  So nail trimming was always hard until our vet gave us
a great idea that works like a charm for our guys: one of us scruffs them,
holding them in the air while the other clips.  Then we give them a treat.
It still takes two people, but it goes extremely quick.  Two of them have
never given us a problem this way, but Sterling would wiggle & pull back
his paws at first.  After a few times though, he figured out this routine
meant he was about to get a treat so he would hold still & endure it.
>and i would be interested to know how often other people cut there
>ferrets nails and how long you consider "long" nails to be.
We have to trim them about once every 1 1/2 weeks.  We trim them when they
get longer than about 3/8 of an inch.  (about 1/2 a centimeter.)
[Posted in FML issue 3570]