Madison the Brilliant is at it again!  He has a new toy that he'll play
with--a little plastic toy that looks for all the world like a miniature
"roly-poly" that human babies used to play with.
It looks like a ferret and has star-shaped holes in its back and tummy,
and has a little bell that rings when it rocks.  You put crunchies inside,
and the ferret bats it and knocks it around to make the food fall out.
Mads will play with it for fifteen minutes at a time!  (A new record at
our house for ferret play with any one toy)  He will keep pushing it
around until he has gotten all of the food out.
His brother Monty ignores it, preferring all of his little sock toys.
Funny how two guys can be so different!
Kate and the big boys, Monty and Madison
[Posted in FML issue 3569]