Six more Utah Fuzzies tested negative for ADV!  All of these fuzzies are
so precious.  Let me tell you about a few that I've had the pleasure to
Sweetie and Daisy are both older females.  The first time I touched
Sweetie through her cage (she was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb
her), I felt only fur over bones.  I was shocked and it takes a lot to
shock me.  Fortunately for Sweetie she picked the perfect family member
to bond to - the husband.  He carried Sweetie around for hours at a time.
She was gently fed and cuddled till she started feeling better and now she
is a very comfortable old gal, in love with and they with her, her new
Daisy didn't have much weight on her either though she had more than
Sweetie.  She had the blackish tarry diarrhea and also was gently hand fed
and medicated.  She lost a bit of weight but is now happily on the mend.
When I visited the other day, she was constantly wanting the wife to hold
her or wanting in the kitchen with the husband.  When I held her she
wanted to go back to the wife. :-)  The bonding of these two old ladies to
their new family is heartwarming.  I know they will be safe and well loved
and cared for, for the remainder of their lives.
Bitsy is a biter.  She doesn't know how to play and her muscle tone is so
poor it was only recently that she was strong enough to climb a ramp.  She
sometimes walks around looking so confused.  I'm guessing mild brain
damage which I've seen before in confinement cases.  She bites and that is
the way it is.  She's older too and her teeth are dull so the bites aren't
as painful as they could be.  But with the blank eyes it's best to not
discipline her and only to try and avoid the biting situations.  Perhaps
in time she'll come around, but she's in a loving home and will be fine
either way.  Oh, and she has a swollen vulva and rough coat so as soon as
she is strong enough and settled in, she'll be scheduled for surgery.
The group of 4 are doing nicely.  They are learning how to be ferrets and
enjoying their new friends.  Muscle tone is still weak and they sleep and
flat ferret a lot but they are growing stronger.  It's a site to see them
all pile into one hammock!
Please donate to SOS so the medicals on the others that need it will be
taken care of so they too can find wonderful families to love and to love
them.  These precious fuzzies deserve all we can give them.  They've
suffered for so long and now our goal is to make life good for them, but
we can't do it alone, we need your help.  We have the group in Wyoming
that will need homes and the group in Florida too.  There are singles and
pairs and triplets to place.  There may be a few left to place at Julie
Fossa's and at Tracy's as well.  Please help us find loving responsible
homes for these little ones.  If you aren't in these areas but you can
open your heart and home to a fuzzie, check the FML for others that might
need a home in your area.  There have been many postings lately of fuzzies
needing new homes and shelters with plenty of little ones to place.
Come on people!  Let's help any way we can!  My challenge still stands for
donating $5 to SOS.  PayPal works well! :-)
Warm hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3558]