Condolences to those with lost, missing, or angeled candy cachers...
...and to the innocents that have died, while the wrong are being brought
to justice...
Before you get all excited and thinking that this was a clear case of
abandonment, stop to think a moment.  Ever have a ferret sneak into
somewhere that they shouldn't have been, go to sleep, and not get found?
Ever have a ferret escape at the last moment, and run off, taking days to
be found again?  Ever hear of a ferret escaping and not even being noticed
as being gone for several hours afterwards?
It could be that the family tried in vain to find this furkid, who may
have been sleeping in a hidden place, or that he escaped as they were
doing the final packing and was not missed until much which
point his family may not have had any idea of where to look for him.
Of course, one other possibility exists...that the family that moved out
never even had a ferret.  He may have gotten lost from some other near-by
home and found a way into this house, and was scouting around for food,
water, or a warm place to take a nap, when discovered by your friend.
When he escaped from her car, he may have also found his way home, or been
found and taken in by some other local family.
Before assuming the facts of a situation, stop and think about *all* of
the possibilities.  Stress is a terrible thing to have...especially if it
is unnecessary.
Todd and the (Who's Matlock???) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 3568]