Firstly, all the fuzz here want to wish Sean a happy, happy birthday.
Double digits, little man, congratulations!  </P>
I'm not sure where the topic came up as I've just been skimming the FML
for awhile, but I wanted to come on and share my favorite ferret.
- Bridget Lynne is my favorite because she was my first.  She's also the
  scrawniest ferret I've ever seen, and apt to eat your finger off if
  you're dumb enough to stick it in her cage.  She will however, give me
  the sweetest fuzzies kisses.
- Brandon Alexander is my favorite because he's my tough guy.  He came to
  me missing a chunk of his ear, but that of course just adds to his
  appeal.  He's the first one to beat someone new up, and also the first
  to go to bed.  I can get about an hour of straight cuddling with him
  because he sleeps hard.
- Zoe Thunder is my favorite because she's one of the most beautiful
  ferts I've ever seen.  She's a silver panda mitt, and she's deaf.  She's
  so rambunctious, loves to play, and will chase me around the house.
  But, if I try to chase her, she just flat-ferrets.
- Zeus Jacob is my favorite because he's my little tank, and my youngest
  fert.  He's a big guy, and he's got a thing for biting faces.  But that
  makes stealing kisses from him all the more fun, and he's got the cutest
  dook.  It's so super high pitched compared to the rest of my guys, and
  I think it makes him sound a bit girly.  (Don't tell him I said that!)
- Bandit Rose is my favorite because she's a silly goose.  I adopted her
  with her two sisters and brother about five months ago. She's six years
  old, and takes a lot of coaxing to get out of bed. She's trouble...she
  hides it well, but Mommy can tell!
- Grandma Jo is my favorite because she is the ultimate snuggler.  She
  doesn't get along with anyone but Bandit and Smokey, and she's only got a
  part of her tail.  She doesn't give face kisses, but will gladly lick my
  arm all day.  (With no chomps, either!)
- Smokey Jane is my favorite because she gets her ass kicked by the young
  ones.  She starts it (she'll actually climb into the babies' hammock with
  them while they sleep, get comfy, then attempt to beat the hell out of
  everyone) but she's quick to accept a snuggle when she realizes she's
  either outsized or outnumbered by the kids.  I think she'd win longest
  kiss in a fun match too.
- Bear Ryan, who is at the Bridge, is my favorite because he was my puppy
  dog ferret.  He'd follow me around, and lay on my feet.  He was a secret
  trouble maker too, though.  He'd give me a chomp in the elbow, or on my
  belly, and then look at me like I was imagining it.
Like I said, not sure where it all started, but I wanted to share my
favorites.  The kids send warm fuzzy kisses to all!
Lolli and the Lucky Seven......Gotta love the fuzz! =)
[Posted in FML issue 3568]