I hate to see such poorly thought out laws suggested.....all constricting
snakes?...like harmless little cornsnakes?  I suspect that they mean to
ban larger ones, but fail to realise that almost all snakes can be put
into two categories...constricting and venomous...I wonder if the law
would, by exclusion, leave venomous snakes legal?  I will contact some
local reptile societies to get them behind the fight, and if you will
contact myself or this list with the contact info for your town
commissioners and the reporter, I would be happy to write a letter or two,
as a zoologist, to discuss the reasoning and potential ramifications of
such a law.  Also, contact any local pet shops....I am sure that they will
have something to say about a law that will restrict their business.
G. A. Christian Bilou
[Posted in FML issue 3568]