A very interesting article on hoarders (collectors).
What is so disturbing is that these people don't see the suffering they
cause for the animals.  All the see is the good they think they are doing.
In the study these people said it was their life's mission and that is
very upsetting for those of us that truly make animal welfare/rescue our
life's work....
When I talked with Jen Morrison on the telephone I noted the lack of
emotion in her voice.  There was anger at animal control but when she
mentioned removing corpses from the cages I detected no emotion at all,
just matter of fact to her.  Very sad.
We are still needing homes for the Florida fuzzies and Wyoming fuzzies.
Eileen could use food donations and Jackie needs litter donations and all
need donations to their vets.
You'll probably get tired of my begging, or annoyed with me, but we really
need donations for the fuzzies care on this one.  The vet costs are
currently at $1,500+ (doesn't include adv tests) and rising.  Then there
are the regular food and supply costs added on to that.  None of the
shelters that took in these precious fuzzies were prepared for what they
received - ailing, starving, lack of muscle tone fuzzies - but they took
the plunge to help them and now we ask that you help them too.  Even $1
will help.
To give you an idea of the cost of such a huge and far-stretched rescue,
the transporation costs all around were about $5,000 and those that
provided the funds want all monies to go to the fuzzies at this point. It
would be nice if there was enough for partial reimbursement but right now
the only concern is for the fuzzies and their needs.
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3567]