What wonderful people on this list!  3 of the kids who have had their
shots and exams paid for by SOS (you guys! ) are going to a wonderful new
home Sat. when they are thru with the Albon.  They picked her too, all 3
gave her kisses & did NOT want down.  Art, the old guy is getting better
all the time, his legs stay under him almost all the time now & he's
stashing kibble everywhere.  I think he's blind but his nose & ears work
very well thank you & he has accepted a buddy!  Corrine is a tiny sable
girl who is finally putting on a bit of weight (whew!) Man these guys can
Thank you for your donations to SOS, they are life saving to those of us
who had a *population explosion* TLE,Ardith & Diane have been a Godsend
too, ferret fairy godmothers, ((hugs)) to all of you from the fuzzies
(and me)
[Posted in FML issue 3567]