Saw the post yesterday regarding the horrors of clumping litter.  Let me
just say that not all things work the same way for everyone.  When I got
Salena in '92, I got her "regular" litter; guess what, she loved to play
"bull dozer" sticking her nose in the litter and plowing along and of
course coming up and sneezing.  Thought I'd give clumping litter a try;
gee, guess what happened in this case ... NOTHING!  Salena backed into
the box, did her business and left the box.  Salena NEVER "played bull
dozer" in clumping litter.
In '96 after Salena had died and I got a new ferret Makai, I tried
"regular" litter once again.  Makai also loved to "bull doze" the regular
litter and came up sneezing just like Salena did.  So I went back to
"Fresh Step Scoop" and once again the "litter bull dozing" stopped.  When
Max joined Makai a couple years later I stayed with the dreaded clumping
litter.  Max doesn't play in the litter either.
My basic point is that after 9 plus years of ferret ownership (only 3
ferrets), that I will ONLY use Clumping Litter as with my 3 ferrets NONE
of them have ever played in Clumping Litter and 2 of those 3 DID play in
"regular litter" and came up sneezing.  Think about it.
-- Tim, Makai & Max, Salena <RB>
[Posted in FML issue 3566]