Culla and Onya came to live with me from a couple that were having a human
baby.  Culla was 6 and Onya was 3 and that had been there only home.  We
took it slow, having them over for weekends and then extended times then
forever.  Neither took it well, especially Culla.  Both were distant to
me though I'd see them secretly watching me.
Culla died this morning after a very long struggle.  Awhile back, Nancy
and I took Culla to the vet and he found an inoperable tumor in Culla's
abdomen.  From that point it only got worse.  But Culla didn't want help
to leave and as painful as it was to watch him waste away, I vowed to
give him his dignity to leave at home.  For those that don't understand
how Culla told me - our group loves the vet so going to the vet is fun
for all but when they don't want to be there I know.  I've seen it before
when taking one in for euthanization, actually it ended up being 3, and I
will never forgive myself for not 'listening' to them.  So when Culla told
me he wanted to go at home.... Culla was almost 9 yrs old.
Please, in tribute to Culla's memory, donate to the Utah ferret rescue
efforts.  We still need to raise about $1200 to take care of all the
medical bills for this group.  If you can see it in your heart to give
to the living, perhaps match my $5 challenge, this would be a wonderful
tribute to Culla's memory.
And a heartfelt and teary thank you to all those that have already
contributed to help the Utah fuzzies and any others.
hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3566]