My heart is sick, my heart is sadden, my heart is full of tears because a
blind ferret was euthanized.  Being blind does not mean you don't have a
life, it only enhances your other senses of your smell, hearing, feeling
and tasting especially with the extended antennas (whiskers).
I also thought a care home was to care for until........................
being adopted or to be cared for until.  Not to be killed for being blind.
That person in charge of the care home should not have a care home and
should have all of the ferrets taken away and placed into reliable unkill
The vet should be reported to authorities, they do take an similar oath
just like a human doctor does.
Is that care home trying to prove a point to that club by having an
vendetta against the club and taking it out on a blind ferret?
As for the editorial comment, I just can not believe the editor who also
is the vice president of that club and has a shelter would condone such a
inhuman act on a blind ferret.  Blind people have the right to live, so
do blind ferrets.
Please do remember the president and vice president of the United States
represent the people of America, just as in a club.  The officers of the
club represent the members of that club.
[Posted in FML issue 3565]