Hi folks.
A long time ago I wrote, asking about people's opinions on Lupron.  I did
receive some responses and for that I am grateful.  Thank you all.  I am
just very late at giving my public thanks.  Time just doesn't seem to
permit me to do the things that I should do sometimes.  I did however,
write back to those individuals who personally wrote with their advise.
Misty was a candidate for Lupron because she is not a surgical candidate.
However, when her blood was tested, her sugar count was very low.  She
will be on Prednisone until her blood count is a bit better and then we
will revist this Lupron thing again.  We just didn't want to take a chance
in triggering an Insulinoma problem.
Weasel's blood counts were good and she got her first Lupron shot a few
days ago.  Poor little thing.  She faired well though and is eating well,
pooping well, and staying active.  Hopefully her scratching will subside
some and her vulva will shrink too.  It isn't too large but larger than it
should be.  She is also a bit on the aggressive side so hopefully that
will also settle down.  She is scheduled for another shot in 4-6 weeks.
Bear is being evaluated now and what was thought to be Lymphoma by a
former vet may not be so.  I have felt that she was more apt to have
Adrenal problems and my vet agrees.  We are not saying she does not have
Lymph problems but there are too many other things she has going on with
her that says Adrenal - like fur loss, aggressiveness, and itchiness.  Old
records are being sent to my vet so my vet will evaluate the results of a
previous CBC, etc.  We will then decide whether or not she will also get
the Lupron shots.
Both Bear and Weasel are active and don't show signs of being sick in many
ways but there are obvious signs that tell you otherwise.  Will keep you
Take care.
Tryntje Miller.
[Posted in FML issue 3564]