To the person who wanted to make a rice bed for their ferret:
Take one large clean tube sock (athletic sock?) fill it about 3/4 full
with clean, uncooked rice (any kind).  Tie a knot in the top of the
sock...voila!  To heat it I microwave mine for about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes
and then test to see how hot it is.  If it's too hot I will put the first
sock in another sock for extra padding.  I place this in a sack with the
ferret and if they are too warm they will come out if they can.  If they
can't move at all just put it near them and let radiant heat warm them.
You will also want to have some baby food on hand to feed them...I warm
the food for about 20 seconds to make it more appetizing.
My 6 year old ferret Percy is recovering from Insulinoma surgery with
additional mass removals and this is working really well for him.  Prior
to surgery (my vet was out of town) I had to feed him every three hours to
maintain his glucose levels and boy did I go through a ton of baby food.
Best thoughts for your little ferret
Melissa in Phoenix
[Posted in FML issue 3563]