hello everyone,
I hope this note finds everyone in the best of health.  I dont really
know why I am having so much trouble writing this except it hits home.
Recently, I adopted a great little boy who has adreanal disease and is
scheduled for surgery next Friday(10-5).  Hoorah for that.  And his
previous mommy sent half the money for his surgery which I am forever
greatful now so more than ever.  The vet said I could make payments on
the rest.
You see my problem is I just recently lost my job.  A new company took
over where I work and has downsized approx. 25 people so far, unfortunately
I was one of them.
I'm not asking for anything except a prayer for my family and for Rikki's
upcoming surgery.  I support my family on my own so this will be tough but
we will make it although this is a bad time and so close to the surgery
and christmas.  To all those who have recently lost your job my thoughts
are with you.
Sorry this is so long.
[Posted in FML issue 3557]