Kim Fox,
Thank you for understanding.  I have actually tried leaving him in a
little cage that wouldn't do a hamster justice and let him stew in his
poopy surroundings.  Then I just broke down after half a day.  I let him
run his heart out all around the room before putting him in there, but he
couldn't hardly move and he just looked at me with this horrified
expression whenever I walked by the cage.  I don't think it would have
worked with him anyway.  He is such a wild and free spirited ferret.
I've actually been offered that as advice before from someone retraining
a stubborn ferret.  He has pooped all around the place since I adopted
him.  I found out later as I said on yesterday's post that he was doing
that at the shelter he was in.  As hard as most shelters work on
retraining ferrets good habits, I'm surprised that this one neglected the
most important thing before adopting out.
His aggression I didn't worry about for the first few months because I
know that ferrets play rough and drag each other and so on.  But then,
Garcia starting causeing my Othella (little runt ferret) to scream and
cry and run to me panting and hissing.  He wouldn't let up.  The same with
the cats.  It was constant aggression.  Then he walked up to my Elkhoud
and bit her.  Just bit her on the foot and drew blood.  She was surprised
as I was and just looked at me terrified.  That was when I started to get
stressed out to the point of crying.
once again, thanks for letting me pour my heart out.
[Posted in FML issue 3562]