Hi all,
Odd questions but then I seem to be good at coming up with the weird ones!
I use a waterbottle as a certain weasle thinks bowls are an invitation to
see how much of the surrounding area he can splash and sling water onto.
Sling because he thinks dunking his food in said water is *really* cool
and mushy kibble turns into a goo that can be slung.  Normally I use
bottled/purified water in this - the same stuff myself and the rest of the
furcrew drink.  I wash it in tap water though so it gets gross from rust
and lime.  Scrubbing and soaking doesn't do the trick.  So what do you
guys use to keep them nice looking?
Question the second... I recently saw "Nursery Water" which is apparently
bottled water for human kits fortified with fluoride, minerals to make it
taste more appealing than... well, water.  Presumably parents are lured in
by the promise to help their tykes grow up big and strong as well but the
taste seemed to be a selling point.  It got me wondering if this wouldn't
be a healthier and more tasty approach to drinks ferrets as well?  (Maybe
a lot more diluted?)
Last... while I know spiders aren't good for ferrets to be around... what
about ladybugs?  We are currently in the middle of the yearly invasion of
the ladybugs.  They are literally swarming the house, with thousands
massing on my doors and windows.  Inevitably some are making it in each
time I go in or outside.  My one dog is under the covers hiding... he was
bitten by a ladybug he was stalking last year (yes, they can bite!) and
hasn't forgotten it poor guy!
Please send some weasle wishes towards my guy if you have a spare moment...
he's been stressed by the move and feeling out of sorts.  Not as serious
as some fuzzies on this list I know but he's just learned how to dook so
I hate seeing the Old Man draw back into his shell.
Amanda & Kuma the little bear ferret
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[Posted in FML issue 3562]