Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled linoleum Slip-n-sliders...
It isn't necessary to think that a blind ferret has no "quality of life"
issues.  No more so than a blind person can't live a fulfilling life.
There are blind musicians, artists, athletes, etc.  There are also blind
ferrets that love to trip the light fantastic (not to mention the nearest
human!) right along with the best of them! :)
My ferret Ziggy (Silver-Blaze), is blind, deaf (mostly) and has a faulty
sniffer.  To add to that, he also has Insulinoma that requires .85cc of
pediapred twice a day, along with hydration each time.  Would I put him
to sleep?  Only if someone promised to put *me* to sleep immediately
afterward.  The vet said he has at least a year, maybe more, if I keep up
on the medication and keep an eye on him.  I wouldn't deprive him of that
for anything.  As long as he isn't suffering, he deserves to live.  And I
intend on making sure that he does.
Don't think that a ferret with a disability would be better off dead.
That isn't true.  Just read the archives.  You'll read about ferrets that
are missing limbs, had eyes removed, had large tumors (and other things)
removed, had broken bones, jaws and damaged internal organs.  Most
recovered and spent a significant amount of time enjoying life.
Please...don't try to think for the ferret, unless the ferret is in
pain.  They deserve to live, just like everyone else.
Spend a moment to remember those that died all over the world, from
terrorism in all of it's forms.
Todd and the (USA! USA!) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 3561]