At 2:03 AM -0400 10/3/01, Automatic digest processor wrote:
>But this post is just wrong.  Almost 6,400 people lost their lives in
>the WTC towers and another almost 200 in the Pentagon.  Some families
>lost their only means of support - husbands, wives, brothers, sisters,
>daughters, sons - gone forever.  You are still here and your sole means
>of support is intact.  You should feel lucky that you and your family
>were not personally touched by a loss.  So many more were.
Yes, and there are animal needs.  Margie just wrote this to me last night
and it is being repeated all over the country:
>Please cross post
>The National Guard has been called to active duty to augment Scott AFB,
>and the Metro East Humane Society is getting in animals.
>If you are in the area of Edwardsville, IL.  And can foster, any
>animals, please call  the Metro East Humane Society and let them know
>618 632-5064  They already have some and are making a list.
Obviously, a lot of general humane groups can't handle ferrets but they
are getting them so folks who can adopt need to be calling the ones near
them and giving their contact info.  The ferrets are coming from those
families with deaths, those with severe injuries, those with changed
financial situations, those who are in the services (which may increase),
There also are needs in some areas for folks to serve as living volunteers
to help search dogs overcome depression.  Steve has been doing this;
they've been hiding him and others in construction sites for the dogs to
find.  (BTW, they seem to love the ferret smell on him.) Your local Red
Cross chapter can direct you if ones near you need this help.
Yes, people DO still need help, and either now or soon blood platelets
will be needed again since those don't keep as long as some other
components and the burn victims and those with major injuries and multiple
follow-up surgeries are in need, plus much of the national banked blood
was used.  The Red Cross or your local hospitals/health departments will
be able to tell you more about when.
[Posted in FML issue 3560]