Speaking of the intelligence of ferrets, in the summer of 2000, I stayed
at my friend's place in New York.  He's been the happy owner of ferrets
over several years.  One morning while he was at work, I thought I would
give his two fuzzies, Barnabus and Akira, free reign of the apartment.  So
I did.  They always, as expected, have a ball, when let out of the cage.
Now, beside the sofa that I was sitting on, there is a table, where on
top, was kept, the box of jogis.  Believe me, they know where it is, and
I always find Akira, practically climbing into the box, to get at the
contents, so I pick him up and place him down away from the table in
question.  However, it seemed to be his sole purpose, to get into the box.
Now, Barnabus, had discovered my leg, and drew my attention, by knicking
it, which usually he wasn't prone to do.  but as I was drawn to Barnabus,
preoccupied with my leg.  I heard a curious little sound, at my side and
looked over to notice Akira having crawled back into the box of yogis.
So naturally I'm wondering, if 2 or more ferrets have the intelligence,
to conspire, or was the leg-biting incident and the box of yogi incident
merely coincidental?  Somehow I believe in the conspiracy theory, with
amusement.  Has anyone else on the list, had similar stories.
Since then, sadly, Barnabus had passed on.  My friend's ferrets were the
1st ferrets I had ever encountered, and since then, fuzzies are always a
favorite of mine, and have a place in my heart, and are always
[Posted in FML issue 3587]