Just a quick update on the Halloween Card Exchange.  I just cannot tell
you all how pleased I am-and how happy CJ is going to be with the money
collected from the Halloween Exchange.  I am not going to spout a final
figure now because according to my records, there are more than a dozen
people I have not received cards from yet.  So I will hold off on the
final figure for a couple more days!  I am sure there are people like me
out there who waited until the last minute to send their cards!
We had enough names to make 5 lists this time!  Please remember that my
name was added to each of those lists-meaning I had to send cards to 55
people!  Since I was out of town, I was late getting mine out-but they are
coming!  Hopefully by the end of the week I will be able to announce a
final figure for CJ's donation fund!
Also, I want to add that $200.00 was raised from the sale of the FML
calendar and sent to the SOS.  There are still calendars available!  You
can purchase them outright for $15.00 plus shipping.  Or if you want an
easy way to increase your eBay rating there are more up for auction!
Judy Cooke
[Posted in FML issue 3587]