I have two female ferrets that need a home.  I added them to my zoo (I
already had a dog and four male ferrets) just over a year ago and have
recently had a baby.  I have found that I don't have enough time to take
care of them properly- the ferrets don't have their own room, so we have
to clear all the baby stuff out of the living room and block it off to let
them all out once or twice a week for an hour at most.  I can't trust the
girls around my baby as they are biters.  The smaller (and cuter) one,
Minnie, has improved drastically and only seems to nip when playing or
trying to get attention.  I'm not afraid of her anymore and can hold her
one-handed up close to my face with no problem.  Maxie, however, does not
like to be touched much and will immediately nip if you reach at her to
pick her up.  I have come at her from behind and pick her up quickly,
holding her head tightly or she'll whip it around and bite, or pick her
up using a piece of clothing as a buffer.  She does try to play, too, but
I am scared of her.  I don't trust her anywhere near bare skin!  It's
unfortuneate that someone abused her before I adopted her from a shelter,
but I don't have the time to work with her and teach her not to bite.
I've been wrestling with this decision for quite some time, but realize
that it'd be best for both my family and the girls to find them a better
home.  I almost took them to the GCFA shelter, but can't stand the thought
of them not being in a permanent home.  I also considered splitting them
up as I am quite fond of Minnie, the little girl, but I have been advised
they should not be split up as they have always been together.
If anyone is interested in these poor girls, please email me for more
information.  Please do not email suggestions on bite training or burn me
for having to give them up.  This is hard enough for me to do.  There is
also a monetary factor involved- babies are expensive!  I used to read
posts similar to this one and feel disgusted that people get animals and
"just get rid of them" but sometimes things in life just don't work out.
I hope to hear from some kind souls soon!
[Posted in FML issue 3587]