you know, with every post i've read about using about carpet runner, i
had no *idea* what you were referring to... i was thinking of thin strips
that go along the edges of throwcarpets or something equally bizarre...
then reading your responses to my heavy plastic question, i basically
went "oh!  right!  *that* stuff!"
it was like a lightbulb coming on, and i thank you.  i will likely
pick some up today (plan for today--make boy clean kitchen and go to
laundromat, (my soul is up for grabs to anyone who can bring me a working
washing machine), while i work on thesis and re-do ferret room with the
new midwest cage that jim so kindly let me have).
and it's already 3 pm. i better get crackin!
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        \(_  \(_   ferrets may nip, but people just suck.
[Posted in FML issue 3585]