Hi all
The raid on da cats is tommorrow.  Wish us luck.  Da dogs is da next day.
Sorry some of these are late as my hooman waz away for da weekend.
A little guy named Buster came in today.  I gave him da tour of da place
and showed him all da sights an attractions.  He waz interested in da Sock
Steal Game.  He headed off dat way.  Along da way though he had to stop
off at da Fruit Bar and sample all da snacks and stuff.  He ate quite a
bit off there and it is a wonder he could even move.  Then he continued
hiz journey to da Sock Steal Game.  He enrolled and waz soon stealing all
da socks he could.  He said he didn't really care if he won as long as he
got some socks to play with.  He didn't do real bad and had quite a few
socks to carry away.  He took hiz prizes and headed over to Dirt Mountain
to dig a den and hide them there.  He waz soon digging away for all he
waz worth.  It will not take him long to dig it I would guess.  He said
to send lots of luv and cuddles to hiz daddy.
A little girl named Tasha came in later.  She waz met by Nipper,
Lightning, Cleo, Phantom, Caesar, and Frodo.
I introduced everyone dat didn't know each to everyone.  They seemed to
get along alright.  They were interested in what had gone on since Frodo
had come in.  They sat around talking for some time.  Then it waz off to
explore and see all da sights and attractions after a short stopover at da
Gravy Gourmet for some chow.  They really did eat a bunch to.  Then after
exploring I later seen them over at Dirt Mountain enlarging da den again
for da new arrival.  This time they really enlarged it though and it
should take a couple anyway.  Then they headed over to da Ferretone Flood
to get some of dat and refuel from all da work they did.  She said to send
lots of luv and kisses to her mommy.
A little girl named Sweetie came in next.  I found her friend her and also
had Bailey, Nibbles Socks and Suzy here as well.  They were really glad to
meet her and greeted her warmly.  Then it waz off to explore and see all
da sights and attractions.  Then they headed over to da Crazy Kars to get
in a race.  Sweetie didn't want to drive but they all finally talked her
into it.  She started kinda slow but soon warmed up to da idea and waz
zooming around at a pretty good clip.  She didn't know all da tricks dat
da others knew though so she soon ended in a wreck.  But she seemed to
have bunches of fun though.  She said if you see her mommy again to give
her her luv and lots of hugs.
A little guy came in later named Spike.  He waz met here by a lot of
ferrets in a group to numerous to mention names, some of which he didn't
know and some dat he did.  I introduced him to all da ones dat he didn't
know which took some time aqnd then they were interested in news at home.
He told them he waz living elsewhare and hadn't been there in a little
time.  They talked a little though about old times.  Then it waz time for
a snack at da Fruit Bar to sample everythng.  They kinda left it depleted
when they went exploring.  They showed him all da sights and attraction
here.  I later seen them all over at Tube Park where they were entered in
da Tube Races.  He didn't do real great but some in da party were real
good at it.  They said they were going to train him real good and whip him
into shape.  He said to send lots of luv and many kisses and hugs to hiz
mommy and daddy.
I am off as I have a million things to do.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3585]