First off, the Crew and I send our sincere condolences to all who've lost
their babies recently, and a thank you to all who wrote me on my loss of
Suzy Derkins.
I've not posted a lot in the past, due to as some have stated, the
meanness and flames that come down, things that happened when Dr. Williams
left this list, but I read it every day and send what I help are hopeful
e-mails to folks who ask questions.
I read Anonymous' post about Ferret X, and I saw what she was saying right
off.  I did worry, I must admit, about Ferret X's safety, but spoke with
someone who knows Anonymous (didn't know it at first but was saying I was
a bit concerned), and she said "No, she's just reached the venting stage,
she loves them, they'll be all right" For those still flaming this person
after she wrote again, shame on you.  You never get tired, fed up, have a
self-pity party?  Tell me where your saint-hood is, because there are days
I need some of that-my self pity parties can be legendary and only I know
of them, because I won't say a word to my family, just to the ferrets and
the cats because they won't say lady you're whackko.  Back off Anonymous
now, please?  I thought her post yesterday explained herself and her
feelings, and that should suffice the most critical, well, should is broad
Kim: there are 17 pairs of fuzzy paws, 6 pairs of kitty paws, and one
human giving you a standing ovation from our home for your two posts.  On
your question of your child (CONGRATULATIONS) and your 'zoo'-write Steve
and Terry Irwin-the Crocodile hunter and family!  They've got their
daughter and raised her, so why can't you with your child, around all
those animals, and frankly, I'd be more worried about their child!!!  I
had a beautiful, older blue colored cat when my daughter was born.  Blue
had been with me for years, and was no problem.  All I heard from my ex
was a 'cat will steal a baby's breath'.  I came home from the hospital
with my daughter, and the cat decided to become Sara's guardian.
Unfortunately, someone else had other ideas.  Shortly after coming home
with her, she disappeared.  I'd gone to be early, got up late, my
ex-husband had 'left to see his uncle leave for California', and in doing
so, my cat went with them.  He always disclaimed it, but circumstances
were too blatant, and this is one of many reasons he's an ex.  This is off
a bit, I realize, from ferrets, but it's to show the pure ignorance of
people.  Unless an animal, when a baby is born, turns totally vicious,
no none needs to find them new homes.
Kim, if you strap the baby to a mini horse while mucking stalls, I want to
see a picture of this!  I had my daughter, and my niece, on horses before
they could ever walk-if I hadn't gotten so big carrying my daughter she
would literally have been 'born in the saddle'!
As for Ferret X and his escapes-we had to remove all the handles from a
desk, nothing can be near the door or the bathroom sink (as my husband
recently found out).  Our prime escape artist/trouble maker is Genie.
Nothing was put in her way that cannot be climbed or gotten into, and the
getting into is so much fun!  She's not the expert as I've read about the
three, but she's right up there.  Someone had a tag line 'nothing is
ferret proof to a sufficiently talented ferret' I believe is how it went,
and those are words to live by!
So folks, back off and end the flames, all right?  It's non-productive =
and it's causing scars and hurt.  People who will want to write, who =
will need to write, will not because of the attitudes, and the fact of, =
oh, dear Lord-what will they say, what will they do to me.  Enough is =
now enough.  And now I step off my soap box and go back to the reading =
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and =
 taste good with ketchup"
"Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have"
[Posted in FML issue 3584]