My son doesn't handle ambiguity well.  Kelly W. from the ferret club was
coming by to pick up a ferret that had been "dropped off" with us and I
was unable to keep.  As my 17 year old son was the only one who would be
home at the time, he was told who to expect and when she would arrive.
He was also instructed to give her Milo to take with her.
Well, one of the challenges with autism sometimes is dealing with
generalities and ambiguities.  When Kelly arrived my son opened the door
(didn't invite her in even though he knows her and has spoken with her at
ferret club meetings and events), but since no adult was home no one was
allowed inside.  He handed her the ferret then closed the door.  As I
never mentioned giving Kelly Milo's cage, hammock and Special Kitty food,
he didn't.  Nope, I told him to give Milo to Kelly and that was all so
that's what he did.
Kelly was such an understanding sweetheart.  She never criticized him nor
did she take offense.  She simply accepted it as part of my son's being.
She took Milo home and chuckled about it later when she told me what had
happened.  I could truly picture him opening the door, handing her Milo
and closing the door again.
By the way, my son is the one who gives the ferrets their medication
(Pediapred, etc.) and right on schedule and also feeds them their duck
soup, also right on schedule, when I am traveling.  Also if one is ill
while I am out of town and needs to see a vet he lets my husband know and
cares for the ferret to and from the vets office as well as during the
exam/treatment.  He also hugs me when I lose a ferret to the bridge and
You just gotta love these kids.
[Posted in FML issue 3583]