Ferret Guy wrote:
>I feel for all those unfortunate people and then I have to look in the
>mirror and see a rescue and shelter that has rescued thousands of ferrets
>over the years that hasn't rec'd even one donation since 9-11-01.  I think
>of all the other shelters that have gone into obscuruty because of the
>disaster and think of how many of them are lacking in donation, not only
>now, next week and next month and on and on.
As a shelter, I think I have the right to say this: Ferret guy - you are
out of line with this.  I am a shelter too.  I have dug in and done my
best to make my shelter self supporting so that I don't have to dig in my
pockets and so that I don't have to beg for donations.  I accept them
gladly and I thank each and every person who gives of themselves to the
shelter with a letter acknowledging the gift.  And it is a gift - someone
gave to the shelter without being asked or told.
But this post is just wrong.  Almost 6,400 people lost their lives in the
WTC towers and another almost 200 in the Pentagon.  Some families lost
their only means of support - husbands, wives, brothers, sisters,
daughters, sons - gone forever.  You are still here and your sole means of
support is intact.  You should feel lucky that you and your family were
not personally touched by a loss.  So many more were.
People are donating to the Sept. 11 fund because they feel helpless -
maybe they live in the midwest and can't drive to NY or DC to help - but
they want to do *something* - and donating money is how they are helping.
Don't slam people for wanting to be part of the healing process!  Do you
think by grousing about not getting donations you are going shame folks
into giving?
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea" has asked since Sept. 12 that all donations
be deferred instead to the WTC and Pentagon disaster relief funds.  Its
posted on my main page.  We will continue to ask that until Oct 12, when
the addresses will be removed, but not the ribbon.  We must never forget -
so that it never happens again.
Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
[Posted in FML issue 3559]