Dear Friends and Foes,
Well!  My post certainly stirred some emotions, didn't it?  It was pretty
much as I expected and also why I posted annonymously.
There were several suggestions that I ferretproof my home.  Folks, my
home IS ferret-proofed (and my other ferrets don't get into this much
trouble)... however, I don't think ANY home can be Ferret X proofed!  All
the chewables ARE put up/away but alas he can FLY!  He can scale walls,
counters, tables legs.  He can leap barriers in a single bound.  He's
faster than a speeding bullet.... OF COURSE we put things away before we
let them out!  I am not stupid (as some implied).  The problem is when he
escapes his cage while I am work.  Not anticipating the house being
ransacked, chewables, stealables, spillables, rippables, et al, are not
put away.  Even if they WERE, I assure you, ferret X would find a way.
In one single leap, he can land on the desk where he has attempted to
gnaw the hot buttons on the keyboard.  I swear, he's part helicopter,
part ferret!
Nearly everyone suggested finding a new home for ALL the ferrets... My
goodness... I never said I hated ALL my ferrets.  I am merely frustrated
with THIS one.  I love the others dearly... I love them as the rest of you
love yours.  It's this ONE who is a miscreant, who is incorrigible.  I
have pondered finding him a new home where his destructive behavior will
be viewed as endearing and adorable however, he came to me (from someone
ELSE who couldnt' tolerate him either) with a buddy.  I couldn't bear to
part with Ferret Y in order to find a new home for Ferret X.... I also
couldn't separate them.
Also, rest assured that Ferret X isn't abused or neglected.  His life is
not in danger.  I was merely VENTING.  (I do believe that was the FIRST
sentence of my rhetoric) Haven't any of you any SKIN kids... times where
you just wanted to scream??  WHere you called your mom or your best friend
and said, "Oh, my GOD!  We're having a really bad day!  I just want to
run away!  Susie drew on the wall, wet her bed, spilled her milk, had a
tantrum in church, bit the dog, poured water in the computer, put a
sandwich in the VCR, ..."????
The ferrets have daily time out, they reside in a HUGE cage, they have
more toys than my children, they eat TF, their nails are clipped
regularly, their ears are cleaned, they go for walks outdoors, their
shots are up to date.... They get kissed and loved and get belly rubs.
No, they are not neglected or abused or bored.
I was MERELY saying, not every ferret-to-human match is perfect and I
think people should know this.  To reiterate.... ferrets CAN be
destructive.  THe damage that ferrets do CAN be costly.  And I think this
is probably part of the reason that so many ferrets are dumped in
I DID do my research and homework before opening my heart and home to
ferrets.  They fit in quite well with our lifestyle... except for Ferret
X.  Yet, I won't part with him... I'll just complain when it seems
overwhelming and then I'll go back to accepting him for what he is.
In short, most everyone was compassionate.  Thank you for your concern
for Ferret X... as I said, he is not in any danger of any kind.  Just a
personality clash, I suppose.  I still love him.  I pick him up and look
him in they eye and tell him, "It's a good thing you're so damned cute!"
and then I smother him with kisses.
Ann O.
A special note to KATE COPPOLA--- (who graciously took the time out of her
mundane life to pen a NASTY note)----
My dear, you are hostile and your "suggestions" were not at all helpful.
You even resorted to name calling.  (You also lack spelling skills) You
presume that I did not have the foresight to ferret proof.  You neglected
to see the word "venting" and furthermore, (and most sadly) you lack
You said, "I am not one to judge quickly, either" Really?  Hmmmm....
appears to me, that indeed you DO judge rather quickly.
Another quote from your obnoxious post..." ...I must go back to my fantasy
would full of cute little ferrets who are given free run of the house and
then their owners complain when they destroy things..."
---- First of all, that sentence made no sense whatsoever.  I'm certain
your English teacher would faint dead away if you submitted THAT mish-mash
of composition.  (Please, kindly show me where I said my ferrets were
given free run of the house.  I NEVER said my ferrets were given free run
of the house)
"How *ucking stupid are you??" was the eloquent and ladylike way you
concluded your rhetoric.  Based on your poor sentence structure and
spelling, you should ask *yourself* this age-old question.
Yet another quote "The thousands of owners, breeders, shelter owners,
vets, and other ferret fanciers in the world live very much in reality and
you should learn to respect that." And you, my dear hostile, obnoxious
friend, should learn to respect OTHER'S right to say what they FEEL.  You
failed to recognize the message in my original post which was... (one more
time for those who are slow...)  The REALITY is that ferrets are alot of
work, they can be destructive, they CAN be time consuming, they can be
costly..... and the reality is that SOME ferrets are more destructive than
others and not all ferret-to-human matches are perfect.  My HONEST post
would explain the reason there are so many ferrets in shelters all over
the United States.
I trust I wont' be hearing from you again as I hope you will be enrolling
in an English composition class and a Human Relations course.
"Weezil Girl" is your signature.  Indeed!  At least on this point, I
couldn't agree with you more.
Good day!
[Moderator's note: Actually, with the exception of Kate's note, I felt
most responses were quite civil and I thank the FML for that.  I do want
to apologize for letting through Kate's response -- I clearly didn't pay
enough attention to it (was a 04:00 night again... sigh) and it should
NOT have made it onto the FML.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3582]