I agree, to a certain extent that we shouldn't flame those who feel the
need to "get rid of" a pet.  At the very least, these guys (hopefully)
aren't being set "free" or being "put down" just to rid the "humans" of a
problem.  HOWEVER, the anonymous poster sounds (to me...please note this
is NOT a flame) very selfish.  It's "tired of" cleaning, and the poopies,
and the digging and the chewing.  It sounds to me like this person is not
very educated in the ways of the ferret.  I'm owned by seven ferrets, and
my aunt has three.  That's a lot of misplaced poopies.  Simple Solution
and a scrub brush work wonders.  That's also little Bridget who likes to
attempt to eat the phone buttons, calculator buttons, has eaten many a
remote button...and has also laid with me very ill at times because of
this.  I've learned she can climb ANYTHING and that putting the remotes
etc.  on top of the entertainment stand just don't cut it.  They go into
the kitchen when I'm not around.  Three of my ferts are old (approx. 6),
and do not get along with (read: are terrified of) my younger ferts.
That means a lot of messy hammocks because said Bridget can open their
cage...literally scaring the poop out of them.  But ferrets are MUCH MORE
than just cute, poster.  They are love.  Literally, ferrets are love.  If
it weren't for my babies, I probably would've given up on life.  Ferrets
are intelligent animals that need constant love, care, and *supervision.*
It sounds to me as though you have given up on your ferret.  I have NEVER
met a ferret I didn't like, or that was truly such a jerk I wanted to be
rid of them.  It sounds to me like you're the one that's tired of the
ferret, you're the one having problems dealing with the ferret...maybe the
ferret isn't the problem?
I'm sorry if this seems like a flame, or is not as well-worded as it could
be.  I currently have ten fuzz, three cats, and a five year old child
running around me (home sweet home, y'know??) and I was very upset by the
post that I saw.  I apologize if I sound too harsh, have include
irrelevant things, or discluded relevant things.  It's just hard for me
to see someone talk like that.  It seems like the same person who would
justify beating up their child for crying.  (JUST AN EXAMPLE: I am NOT
saying anon is a child abuser, or even a bad person).  I just had to
include my opinion, and hope and pray I made it completely clear that
it's just an opinion..all the while attempting to remain civil.
Lolli and the Lucky Seven (plus Aunt 'Nina's Terrible Trio)
[Posted in FML issue 3581]