>They are CUTE but that's about as far as it goes with me these days.  I
>an honestly say that I will never have ferrets again.  So, to all of you
>ut there who have to find a home for your ferrets because of "allergies"
>or a "new baby" or whatever... please know, there is someone out there in
>REALITY who understands and you don't have to make excuses to me! ...
>Good day!
>Ann Onamissly
Dear Ann Onamissly, It sounds like you have healthy, robust ferrets.
Doing the things that ferrets will do.  I don't blame you for wanting to
rid yourself of these wonderful creatures.  You failed to provide a
telephone number where you can be contacted; Many of us will be happy to
relieve you of your burden before you reach financial or physiological
ruin.  Please allow us to do this for you and the ferrets.  No flames!
Dooks and Blessings,
Rick White, Director, SAFE
Candi White, Director, The Ferret SAFE House
San Antonio area Ferret Enthusiasts (SAFE)
Chapter American Ferret Assoc., Inc. (AFA)
PO Box 190042   San Antonio, TX  78220-7000
Information & Rescue Tel: (210) 661-0608 / 661-9195
Emergency Rescue Only: 402-4202
[Posted in FML issue 3581]