Hi, I have been lurking for awhile.  We recently got three babies, had
planned on two, but couldn't leave one alone in the pet shop.  Since we
cannot legally have ferrets, we have decided they are long dogs.  We also
have three Yorkies -just realized what's with threes?
If you have known a yorkie-you know how possessive they are.  Well, the
one that has decided he owns me, Willie, (he bites my husband if he gets
to close) has adopted the long dogs.  Whitey long dog has gotten out of
the world we created for them, three times our littlest dog has warned us
when she saw the escape.  Yesterday, we went to the cage and Whitey was
gone again.  We have them in a separate room from the rest of the house
with a lot of stuff.  We were even going outside to look and still could
not find him and Debbie didn't seem to know where he was.  Willie came
in-we were frantic by this time- he looked at me with tilted head like
are you nuts.  I happened to think that Willie doesn't like not being
able to see all of his babies.  I asked him in frustration "where are the
babies?".  He took off under a work table to a huge bag of upholstery foam
and kept digging at it and looking at me like help me you idiot.  In the
very center of the bag was Whitey who greeted me with a huge yawn, and
attitude of "whass up, why are you waking me ?".  He also got out of a
smaller cage when we were building the triple decker.  To our surprise, he
had climbed into the new cage to sleep.
These guys have been such a boost to our family and next door neighbor
girl-she can't decide which one she likes best.  Their constant antics and
eagerness to be held and loved has brightened my life so many times when
I have been depressed, I can't believe that they are illegal.  Hope this
will be changed in time.  Thanks, for listening.
later, Myrna
Owned by:
Lady Girl, Dippy Debbie, Weird Willie the weasel finder=Yorkies
and Tiny, Brown Nose, Whitey=long dogs
[Posted in FML issue 3581]