Well the kids are bouncing around like maniacs now with the cold weather.
Today is BB's (big bino) turn for a *bio*
BB is a good sized boy that loves to be held - for about 5 min.  then
he wants to be on the floor to play with you, maybe a quick game with
another fert but prefers a person to play with.  He's gained a lot of
weight, muscle, and trust & loooves his gravy.He's still a bit yellow but
I'm hoping that goes away with a coat change.He had his rabies shot &
passed his ADV test like a good boy!  I also have a few things on e bay
under Utah ferrets to help with the med.  bills.  These guys are so
loving, I now have 6 that sleep with me, all curled up under the
Tomorrow: Snoopy!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3580]