No, this is not a post which should be sent to "rec.pets.naughty"!!!
i was just looking at Queen Mab, who has put on some weight since we
first got her, and now, I have noticed a small "protuberance" in about the
right spot (right above the poopie chute).  I thought Mab was a girl until
today (because when we got her, she had a pointy face), but now I'm not
so sure.  Anyone got any tips for telling for sure?  If she's really a he,
I might change her name to Radu.  Or Frick.  Or maybe he can just be in
drag.  Any rate, thanks in advance.  You guys are the greatest!!!!!!
Oh yeah, Wolfy, so glad the party was a success!
Love and kisses,
[Posted in FML issue 3580]