Oct 25th Thursday - another an annual event!
Pumpkin Carving Workshop at Ferret Wise Annex THURSDAY (instead of
Shelter Helper NIGHT! ) Oct 25 6 PM - 8:30PM.
Bring a pumpkin and carve along with the shelter folks for Keene's Pumpkin
Festival on Oct 27th in Keene!  Last year we set up a great display of
ferrety decorated pumpkins .  This year you can join us to beat that
number (as Keene attempts to break it's 2000 record of 23,727 pumpkins)
the target is 25,000 and a number will have ferrets on them as we help
spread ferret awareness and have fun too!  Cold drinks / Cider and donuts
will be provided in the annex.!  Sat AM pumpkins will be judged for most
creative and largest decorated- those who carved them will receive a
Halloween hammie for their ferrets and a 2002 calendar for the human!
RSVP (603) 876-4975
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Those who cannot attend but have their pumpkins to drop off can drop them
at the shelter anytime before 10AM Sat Oct 27th- The judging will be done
prior to taking the pumpkins in an the prizes will be shipped out!
[Posted in FML issue 3580]