I hope you can help Frodo find his other friends, Phantom and Caesar (even
if he liked to beat her up, she just arrived at the Bridge two months
ago).  The rest of his family, Nipper, EZ, Lightning, & Cleo, that he
never got to meet should be there to greet him as well.  He brought them
each a Honneycomb to share, they all loved those.
Frodo went in for adrenal surgery this morning but when they opened him up
they found his right adrenal was huge, and since he'd had his left adrenal
out a year and a half ago which turned out to be malignant, the vet felt
this was also malignant.  Plus it appeared to have invaded his lymph nodes
and possibly his liver.  His spleen was also huge and his breathing was
labored.  I was asked if they should close him up and let him come home to
live out the rest of his life and I just couldn't do that to him.  He was
asleep for the surgery and I felt he would have no quality of life left,
if he would even live that long, so I gave him the dignity of leaving like
the true gentleman ferret he was.
Tell him we miss him so much and Bilbo, his cagemate, will be especially
lonely without him.  I'm sorry I wasn't with him when he was helped to the
Bridge, but we did bring him home so he could rest with our other babies
until we can all be together again.
Sandee, tell Frodo and all the rest of my fuzzies I love them all and miss
them so much.  Thank you so much Sandee.
mjo & the zoo, Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine, Bilbo, Frito, Pepper, Sassy,
Frosty, Sabrina, Tasha and the dogs Garth & Darwin  (R.I.P. Nipper,
Lightning, EZ, Cleo, Phantom, Caesar, Frodo,  & Duke)
[Posted in FML issue 3579]