Just a very quick update but hope to write a detailed list of the kids
Finished testing all the kids last Friday and all are negative as I
expected them to be.  It seems to me as stressed, sick and debilitated as
these kids were, if they were truly exposed to ADV, someone would have
been positive....
Eleven went to a new home with Lynn Siegel on Thursday so that leaves 21
here now plus my shelter and personal kids.  There's a few that are
adoptable, several that need to be single ferrets and some with health
problems that need a permanent home regardless.  A few will be going in
to have mast cell tumors removed this week and 4 need adrenal surgery.
Once the surgeries are done, these kids need homes.  Each one is so hungry
for love and attention!  Almost all are kissers and lap ferrets.  I make
time for each one but it's not nearly the time each wants. :(  I've found
it amazing there's so many cuddlers.
A few that Lynn took home will need vet care but I think/hope it's
primarily teeth cleaning.  At this time, one needs blood work to check his
BG but we're hoping it's just the stress of another change.  Hopefully,
with this group being used to each other, the stress is much less than the
last time.
Tibby, a very shy little girl, decided Lynn's husband was going to be her
new best friend as she climbed all over him.  It was a big surprise and
very nice to see her so interested in someone.  Smokey, a big older boy,
parked himself in Lynn's lap and said he was going home with her. :)  He
must have whispered to all the other kids that she was a soft touch!
I hope donations can go to SOS or to Lynn to help with these guys as this
is a dramatic increase in her ferret family!  Bless you, Lynn, for your
big heart!
There's some pictures up of some of the kids on a site I've been playing
with when I have time.  Not sure what I'm doing but I do think you can see
the pictures.  More will be added as time permits.
I'm embarrassed all the thank you's haven't gone out yet.  There just
aren't enough hours in the day but I will get them done soon.  There's so
many of you I owe a huge thanks to and we couldn't have gotten this far
without your help!  The kids still need a lot of help with vet care and a
few supplies that I'll post about tomorrow.
Best to all,
[Posted in FML issue 3579]