Hello All - I am cross posting this in a couple of places because an
opportunity has presented itself.  A friend will be traveling here
(Northern Virginia) and back to Missouri this week and has offered to
transport a couple of kits.
I do have two kit hobs available who are half German and half Swedish.
They promise to be very large hobs and will doubtless be fine point
Siamese although one is heading more toward black sable.  Mother, Isabeau,
is excellent German black.  Father, Viking, is Huge and beautiful fine
point siamese hob.  They are 12 weeks old this coming week.  Bloodlines
are first and second generation.  They are hobs who should go to help
strengthen and variegate breeding lines, but for pet too!  If you are
interested, please let me know.  BTW, I practice "safe breeding" and
jills, hobs and kits are ADV tested.  This litter has been tested and is
I also have a heavy silver mitt intact jill who is just 9 months old.  She
was to go to a breeder who never made it here...that happens.  She is half
Australian and half German/American.  Mother is Dilly, Australian Fine
Point Siamese and Father is Little Bit 'O Magic, gorgeous black mitt with
snow white undercoat and tar black nose.(O.K.  that's just my unbiased
opinion!).  She has been tested and is ADV negative.
Also, since I am under indictment from my husband to cut back (he wants to
strip down the ferret room and redecorate again) I could possibly be
talked out of a rather gorgeous German cinnamon/champagne mitt hob who is
a little over a year old.  He is out of German Lady Lark and Light Wolf
von Ludendorf (Paws) and the last bred directly from him.  He has an
extremely sweet nature.
So.....if anyone has an interest please let me know asap.  Thanks.
[Posted in FML issue 3578]