>The manufacturer also has reassured me the tocopherols in the pine have
>been "cooked out" or processed so that it is safe for all animals.
There is a consortium of litter manufacturers that are trying to get some
sort of truth in advertising on the labels of litter.  Feline Pine is one
of their primary targets because of the above claim.Just as a basic common
sense slogan, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and smells
like pine...it's pine.  And that's what our ferrets and other small
animals are inhaling...pine.
I've had a run in with Rick (Natures Earth Products, manufacturers of
Feline Pine).  He used a quote, from the "Rabbit Health News for
Veterinarians" (a publication I edited and produced for 5 years) without
my permission.  They actually had the quote on the label of their product
and were twisting the quote to promote their product!  When I found out
and contacted them, they claimed they weren't able to get in touch with
me and thought I wouldn't mind.  They did change their packaging to
eliminate that quote.
I'm so glad that "Ferretguy" has never had problems with the product.
Maybe it's safe for carnivors, because they don't spend much time around
the product.  However, their Feline Pine has the potential to be very
harmful for rodents, guinea pigs and rabbits.  They sell the same stuff
with a label of Critters Pine (I think that's what it's called)
>His lack of tact, and decent customer relation skills
(talking about Rick)....and that's putting it mildly! :-)
When there's so many definitely safe and less expensive products, why
use something that has the potential to do harm?  My rabbits, rodents &
ferrets are too important to me to take the chance.
Best Little Rabbit, Rodent & Ferret House
   dba House Rabbit Society
a non-profit animal shelter
14325 Lake City Way NE
Seattle, WA 98125
Open 7 days/week or visit our on-line store at:
[Posted in FML issue 3578]