I am very achy from having had a flu shot (and was since reassured that it
does not make me contagious so am trusting in that) so I was soaking in
the tub with various ferrets visiting and telling me that I smell wrong.
Well, Sherman climbed onto me and decided that I smelled very wrong so he
turned around and rubbed his bum on my chin!  (No pesky tail to get in the
way since he's a tail amputee due to abuse during his kithood...) Then he
turned around, checked his work, approved of it, and jumped out.  (Hey,
Yvonne and Anne, see the benefits you would have had if he'd remained with
one of you shelter folks?  :-) ) He is a kind little soul.
Since yesterday have been a touch out-of-it from the shot (excuse any
poor wording), but it's sure easier than influenza. Never had one
[Posted in FML issue 3578]