My ferret Taz is a kidney patient.  I've been giving sub q fluids since
March.  This past week he's became e very sick.  Vomiting, grinding teeth,
pawing mouth, lots of mucous in mouth and spitting it up.  Not holding
down food.  He's hungry and thirsty but can't hold it down.  He's losing
lots of weight.  Vet is giving a med for nausea, carafate, pepto,
ammoxicillen nothing is helping.  We can't figure out whats wrong.  Has
anyone had this happen to their ferret?  The vet is now talking about
putting him to sleep.  I just had to make one more try before I decide
to do this.  Please email me @ [log in to unmask]  Any help would be
appreciated.  I'm desperate.
[Posted in FML issue 3578]